oh hello creepy santa! |
A great family- the Merwin family- invited us, and ALL the missionaries in our ward to come over for Christmas eve dinner |
HAHA i am so spoiled!! Thank you!!! |
This is Edgar opening his presents from Santa!! =D haha he is darling. |
This is Hilda =D she was recently reactivated! i love her!! She spoils us. =D |
Christmas Eve lunch with la familia Cano |
Christmas Morning!! haha spoiled! Chifladas!! |
Thank you Sterling for the Covers and the key chain!! |
The snowflakes Grandma made! they were a hit grammy! thankyou!! |
When we went to visit the Jiminez family- she pulled out this little keyboard and asked me to play some christmas hymns. haha So i played the piano on my lap. =D |
la familia jiminez |
Last sunday together! |
Us getting ready to go out in the rain!! |
i found this sign. hahahahah. =D |
Hello! Family!
It was so great to see your faces! haha Skype is a wonderful creation. We should write a thank you letter to the human that came up with it. =D haha It was So great to talk to yall! Shelby and Stanton- you both are growing up so much! and Mommy and Daddy! Ah i just loved it. =D Thank you for talking with me. It was so ODD not to have Elder Wiser there! Man. I am so proud of him! He is doind a great job though. The humans of england are lucky blokes (hahah that is a british word.. right?). It was wonderful. I was in a daze for about an hour after that. I kept asking Sister Ninataype "are you sure that I already talked to them? Did that really happen?" Haha. It did. =D it was great. I liked all of your texas pride shirts as well. WASSSUP TEXXXXAS.
So I will start with Christmas Eve. =D haha A great family- the Merwin family- invited us, and ALL the missionaries in our ward to come over for Christmas eve dinner. Sister Merwin is legit. She is from Korea, grew up buddist- found the missionaries when she came to america for college, converted, then served a boss mission. She was married in the temple and all! Their family is super cool. We had the oddest christmas dinner ever. But it was great. Haha it was just all these different dishes- but all together. kinda like a potluck. Like we had baked beans with bacon- and mashed potatoes. and tamales and potatoe salad. and stuffing. =D haha i love texans. it was great. Then after we sat and read the Luke chapter 2- story of Christ's birth. Then we all sang songs around their piano. I got to play again. (remember the show little women? in one part of that movie they are all standing around the piano singing christmas songs. yeah I pictured myself in that movie. =D) So that was fun. Then- they made ALL 12 of us stockings. it was so nice of them. So I opened up a stocking on christmas morning. =D so fun. Then all 12 of us decided to go Caroling to President Maluendas house (aka the mission home). So we walked up singing and they opened the door and took pictures of us. haha. It was great. I really just felt the spirit of Christmas. =D it was wonderful.
Christmas day was really good. It was different! But great. We woke up super dang early to go play basketball with the zone. So that was fun. I actually made some cool shots! (pretty good, coming from a little white girl eh?) Then sister Ninataype and I came home and took turns opening the Christmas packages. It was really fun. It is always nice to receive things from home. Thank you so much for all the Christmas Packages!! They were wonderful!! I will write thank you notes! haha it just takes me 20 years. =D But thank you really. =D Than after that we went caroling to some people. Which was really fun. then we went and visited a lot of different families. i really love the area that i am serving in! La Vista is the Best!!! Christmas was wonderful. =D I love Jesus.
SO- I have news!!! Sister Ninataype is getting Transferred. BAH. She is leaving me tomorrow morning to go to Corpus! To be companions with my Mission momma- Sister Sanders. And Her mission Daughter- Sister Kreis- Is coming down to be my companion! So the mommies with the mommies and the daughters with the daughters. =D I am looking forward to the next transfer and the new year. But I will miss my lovely Sister Ninataype so much. She has been the most wonderful companion. I love her so much. It is crazy- I have to re-learn how to teach with someone! Haha Sister Ninataype and I are at the point where we finish eac hothers sentances. in english and spanish. We don't even think about it anymore. But that is how it works- Whenever you get comfortable- That is when God Says "OKAY!! time for a change!". I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that helps us to progress. That is one thing that I love about the gospel- That it stretches the comfortable. helps us grow. There is a quote about that... but I can't remember it right now.=D maybe next time.
That is basically what happened last week! SO- Remeber Patricia? The lady with the stage 4 breast cancer? I have an update on her. Her faith is SOOOO strong. So about 2 weeks ago she went in for the mastectomy to remove the cancer. the surgery went well. And She stayed the afternoon in the hospital recovering. Around dinner time ALL of her family left the hospital to grab a bite to eat. When they were all gone- she said that she started to feel a 'bag of water' filling up around her neck. It turns out that she had a hematoma. The aortic vein ruptured and she was bleeding out internally. AND- the little remote thing that you use to page the nurse was across the room. She was trying to scream- but the bood was coming up her throat. (sorry graphic). But miraculously- a nurse was walking down the hall- and randomly decided to check on her. He saw the problem and called for help. So she went back into surgery and they had to give her 3 units of blood. And the tiny cut from the masectomy turned into a cut from her Sternum clear back to the middle of her sholder blade. CRAZYNESS. a HUGE cut. It was really crazy. But the Doctors were able to repair the things that needed fixing. The next morming she texted us and asked us to bring the Elders to give her a blessing. The AP's came with us to the hospital. She told us the story (with a ton of energy- by looking at her you never would have guessed that she had just gone throught a major surgery) The elders gave her a beautiful blessing. That hospital room became a holy place. The spirit was there super strong. AND now- she is back to working part time, taking care of her family- and just doing normal life. AND- the cancer is ALL gone. There is not a bit of cancer left in her. So she doesn't need Chemo or radation or anything. It was a miracle- especially because 5 years ago when she was diagnosed with stage 3 on the left side- she had to go through chemo and radation. Even though the Hematoma was a huge trial- I think it was a blessing- because any of the cancers cells that might have been swimming around in her blood were taken out. And she is Cancer Free! YAY! God is a God of miracles! I love the Gospel. I love the Savior- Jesus Christ. I know that La iglesia de JesuCristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias has the FULLNESS of the gospel. The doctrine is clear, simple and precise. IT IS TRUE! I know it. =D
I love being a missionary!
Happy new year to all! Have a wonderful party. haha=D love ya!! have a great week! happy 2012!!!! AHHHH!
Hermana Wiser
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