Hello family!!
SOOOO- Transfers came in and I get to stay with Sister Price for her last transfer!! I am super excited for the upcoming weeks! We have been so blessed. This past week was incredible! We saw so many miracles!! Sandie Hull got baptized!! We had her interview on Thursday- then planned her baptism to be in a tiny town called kerville. (I have no idea where that is- except that it is in the San Antonio Mission) Sandie's Father in law is a super active member that lives in Kerville. Both Sandie and Brother Hull wanted him to be at the baptism- so we planned everything through our leaders for the baptism to be in kerville- and that night we got a call from President Maluenda to make sure all was well- THEN we got a call from the mission president of San Antonio!! So that was crazy. It all went well, and was a beautiful experience for the Hull family. We wished that we could have been there- But were so happy that her father in law could be there. She is SOOOO sweet. Sunday morning she sent us a text that said, "next time you see me we will ALL be members of Christ's Church." She is so great! When we went over for her interview- she made Gluten Free Fried chicken. She went to the store (yes this is the one that just had a triple bypass surgery a month ago) and found gluten free flour and made us all a huge dinner. Then she had her interview. After the interview she came out and said to her husband, "Jim! when do we get to get married again?" She was talking about their temple sealing! SO plan on coming with me to texas next year so we can go to Sandie's sealing!! WAHOOO!!
This is Savanna This past week she tried to open a window- and it shattered and cut her up. Here are a few of her battle wounds. crazy right? Pray for the stitches to be out by the time of her baptism!! |

Then Savanna! She is preparing for this upcoming sunday! She is also SOOOO prepared! We have taught her everything, she just needs to have her interview and she is ready for Sunday. She has been loving church and keeps a scripture journal as she reads. You can see the light in her eyes more and more every single day. The cool thing too is that her Dad was baptized when he was 17. His conversion story is really hilarious. He said that when he was in high school he had a crush on this pretty girl. he really wanted to talk to her- so one day he followed her home. She was probably freaked out- so she sent her big brothers out to talk to him. They took Bro- Perez in the house, sat him at the kitchen table and said, "You cant talk to our sister unless you read this book." -You got it! it was a Book of Mormon! AND HE READ IT. He said at first it was to talk to the girl, but the more he read the more he knew it was true. He called the missionaries and was baptized. He is coming back too with Savanna. SO that has been amazing. The ward is fellowshipping them wonderfully as well. Yay miracles!!
We found these sisters this week. Their names are Iris and Margie. Last week the elders did a blitz in our area- and contacted Iris. They set a return appointment for last Monday evening. We took a member with us to go to the appointment on Monday and it was so powerful! They are probably the most prepared people ever. We were all in tears. The spirit was SOOO strong. Margie- the younger sister- said the last prayer, and She thanked the Lord for answering her prayer from the night before. She had been praying for help, direction, and light. We showed up the next day! It is amazing to be on the other end- being a tool to help answer peoples prayers. Their family is going through a really really rough time right now- and the gospel is just what they need. We met with them Wednesday and gave them their copies of the book of Mormon- Then had a boss church tour with them on Saturday! It has been a miracle. Keep them in your prayers. They are both so wonderful.
We have been incredibly blessed this past week. There are so many more miracles that I want to share!! We were able to find 9 people this week. Which is craziness. Our planners are chuck full and we are staying busy! Pray for the people! They ALL need the gospel.
I had a really cool insight as I was reading the scriptures in my personal study this week. Look up these two scriptures. Mosiah 27:25-26 (one of my favorites) with 3 nephi 9:17.
25 And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters; 26 And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.
Put with this scripture-17 And as many as have received me, to them have I given to become the sons of God; and even so will I to as many as shall believe on my name, for behold, by me redemption cometh, and in me is the law of Moses fulfilled.
I have been thinking about how we can really become sons and daughters of god lately- how we can develop our divine potential and do ALL we can to become like Heavenly Father in this life. The Mosiah scripture tells us that we need to be born again- changed from a carnal state to a state of righteousness. - The nefi scripture tells us HOW we can be changed. By receiving Christ. =D And when we receive Christ we receive his gospel. By living the Principles of the gospel we are literally changed. We are all in a journey to become more like the savior. by following his example and developing his attributes we are changed through his atonement. And we become the Sons and Daughters of God. This was on of my little light bulb moments this week! =D makes sense right?
Well I love you all!! hope you have a wonderful week! I love being a missionary!
-Hermana Wiser
funny sign in Corpus. hahaha oh Texans. |
having fun!! =D |
I was being a hippie missionary! My companion convinced me to try a middle part. weird. |
found this funny sign! fitting! hahah- keep it humble sister wiser. =D |
This is Sandie hull! She sews a lot and showed us a wedding dressed- so I could 'prepare to find my future husband'. SO I tried on the veil she made. hahahaha LOVE HER |
Corpus Christi North District! Elder Casteel, Elder Ward, Elder Esklesen, Elder Flores, Sister Welch, Sister Nail, Sister Price. SO FUN! =D |
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