Hello humans of Utah!!
WE HAD A CRAZY WONDERFUL WEEK. It was wonderful for my last week here in Mcallen. I AM GETTING TRANSFERED!! I just found out yesterday. The catch is that I don't know where I am going. So I am just in limbo land. So I will let you all know next week where I ended up. =D I will probably either go to Corpus again- or to Harlingen. But we will see later on!
It has been really hard to say good bye to everyone! MAN. After 6 transfers (9 months) in an area you get pretty attached. But I am excited for this next part in my missionary adventure.
This week was literally insane! I always think that I have experienced all that could possibly happen- but I always get surprised with the week that comes. haha. it is crazy. SO we had a wonderful crazy miracle this week! (like 25 actually.. but I will start with this one) So last p-day during emails- Elder Neil (one of the office senior missionaries) called to give us a referral. her name is Maribel. She had been calling all the different LDS chapels around -trying to get sister missionaries to come and teach her. She finally got a hold of another senior sister that works in the employment office- and told her "Hello! I am looking for sister missionaries to come teach me. I think I am ready do get baptized." So sister Clemets called Elder Neil- who called us and told us the news. So we called her right away. Sister Kreis talked to her on the phone- and tried to set up an appointment with her on tuesday- and she asked us if we could come sooner. So we rescheduled our evening plans and whent to meet her at 7:30. We also took Juanita (Rebeca's tia) to the lesson to fellowship her. We went and had a beautiful lesson about the restoration. She also told us her story- She had been taught 20 years ago by elders. She had a doubt about baptism- and the elders stopped going by. She then searched through ALL the churches (jehova witness, 7th day adventist, catholic, protestant..you name it!) And recently she has felt in her heart that she needs to join "the church that those boys went to". She told us about all these crazy blessings that she has recieved- and she knows that she needs to give back to God. And she wants to be baptized! She is set for the 18th of May. It has been a wonderful miracle.
We had another lesson with her on wednesday and went over the Book of Mormon- then we had an awesome church tour on saturday. AND SHE CAME TO CHURCH!! AND- brought her 2 daughters. It was wonderful. Sister Kreis and I both shared our testimonies- and Maribel was just crying the entire meeting. The spirit was there. (yay!! I love when an investigators first Sunday is fast and testimony sunday!! ALL the sweet primary kids got up and shared their testimonies. They are such little angels!) So that was wonderful. THEN- remember Elena and Lesly? They are investigators that I had way back with Sister Ninataype- for the last couple weeks we have been working with them again. Saturday we went- and invited them to church and made a plan to get them there. AND THEY CAME. =D I was up sharing my testimonio and they walked in! BEST THING EVER. That was a christmas miracle for sister wiser! I have been working with them for so long. They are also set for the 18 of May. It was so funny- Elena is afraid of water! so we gave her a pep talk. Then just accepted a date. =D yay.
THEN- We went by last week to talk to a less active/ recent convert that was baptized like a year and a half ago- her name is Sister Davis. And we ended up teaching her and the guy that she cares for (she is a provider for him). His name is Bob. And after the little message we shared Bob went on to
Mormon.org and sent himself in as a referral for us to come teach. So we went back and he is also preparing to be baptized. And he came to church too! So we had Elena and Lesly, Bob, Maribel and her 2 daughters. It was such a miracle Sunday! I am so glad that the new sister coming in will have so much to do! that is the best feeling ever. It is sad to miss the progression of the poeple I love so much!- but I know there will be more people to love in my next area. =D
So that was a wonderful miracle- THEN (haha there is more!)- we were given another Referral by the Neils. They live in our area- and have made freinds with all the neighbors. They are so celestial! So we went to talk to them- and the Dad (Mike) had a stroke not to long ago- so he is confined to a wheel chair and cant move one side of his body. It is super sad- but he handles it with such grace. And his daughter Gracie is wonderful too. We we went in and taught them the restoration. The spirit was there super strong. They are so prepared to receive the gospel!! At the end of every restoration lesson we always invite people to pray- so they can get a spiritual confirmation about joseph smith. So Gracie said the last prayer- and she started crying. It was one of the most beautiful heartfelt prayers i have ever heard. After her prayer we waited for a moment- and then asked her how she felt. She said "I know that this is true. And I feel that God loves me." man, the spirit was thick in there! It was wonderful. They both accepted baptismal dates for June 1st.
I love the work! I love being a missionary. There is a great scripture that i read this week. In D&C 84: 88 "And whoso ayou, there I will be also, for I will go b your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my c shall be in your hearts, and mine d round about you, to bear you up."
I have really felt this this week. The spirit has been here, and I literally feel the angels! I love being a missionary! As people accept the gospel- they are literally accepting the savior. He is present in the lessons. =D I love it!
Hope you all have a wonderful week! Remember what is most important- the little things in life count. Pray-Read- Church-Service. =D
-Hermana Wiser
La Vista District!! Elder Merrill, Elder Johnson, Sister Wonnacott, Sister Sarmiento, Sister Wiser, Sister Kreis! SO FUN!! oh! and that is the church- right as you walk in the front door. =D |
LOOK!! A GF SANDWHICH!! i ate it. it was really good. =D |
Rebeca, osmar and Juanita! I will miss them tooo!! |
The valdez family!! i will miss them!! |
Fun with the suarez family! love them!! haha it was so funny- Brother suarez pulled out the luchador masks- then handed the cow boy hat to the "juera" or the white girl. hahahah. it was funny |
Haha Sister wiser meets Nacho libre!! hahahaha luchador!! |